18 Responses to OLEDB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login failed for user ‘NT Service\MSSQLServerOLAPService’ – Error in SQL 2012 SSAS

  1. jerk says:

    Not so sure that *fixes* the problem… Having the same error myself and your “solution” is already applied on my end. (But not all solutions are made equal, I know. ;.) )

  2. There is not problem with the service account of analysis services.
    In fact the installer creates NT Service\MSSQLServerOLAPService service account under which the Analysis Services are running.

    When you try to deploy the AdventureWorks OLAP samples, then by default the data sources are configured to impersonate service account. The problem is, tha for the service account “NT Service\MSSQLServerOLAPService” there is no login created in the SQL Server instance. You simply need to create a login fro the windows service account on SQL Server instance on which the AdventureWorksDW2012 sample database is running and grant such account at least read access to that db (db_datareader for example).

    Then the processing will work correctly as the service account of SSAS will have acces to underlying data.

  3. Vania says:

    Thank you very much. This worked for me, too!

  4. Alexander says:


  5. Ahmed says:

    sorry guys but how to create a login fro the windows service account on SQL Server instance ??

  6. For example in SSMS, go to the Security/Logins and there create new login for the Account under which the SSAS instance is running. During creation of the login in the Login Properties dialog you can Map the newly clreated user to databases to whcich it should have access. There you can make the user member of the db_datareader role in the databases to allow full read rights.

  7. quoc says:

    Thanks, this fixed mine

  8. Ljubim te u dupe 😀 Hvala Thanks 😀

  9. mamadou says:

    I solved this problem by changing the Log on as to Local System account and i start again all SQL-SERVER . THANKS for this help

  10. Veronica says:

    Bueno el dato, funcionó

  11. Hela Fodha says:

    Thank you it worked and much better solution than the others

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